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Diversity, Inclusion & Social Justice

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Philadelphia Art Therapy Associates was founded on principles of clinical love, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and social justice. An ally of anti-oppression and anti-racist ideology, PhATA strives to undo systemic patterns of bigotry through its actions, policies, and personal interactions. Seeing through society’s veil of historic privilege and power is an ongoing process of education and reflection. We believe that it is everyone’s responsibility to be a part of this process and PhATA is committed to it.

We intend that our clients and therapists reflect the glorious diversity of humanity including race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, socioeconomic status, etc. All are welcome and we wish to have everyone feel safe and accepted in our therapy spaces. There can sometimes be an unspoken/implicit power structure between therapist and client. We wish to identify and undo that dynamic, so clients feel equal, empowered, and collaborative in their treatment throughout their experience with PhATA.


We constantly strive to learn and improve our anti-racist and inclusive policies and habits. We view our relationship with our clients and the larger community as a partnership to create a better world. Every staff person at PhATA invites questions and feedback about diversity and inclusion, and power and privilege, so we can create a better world, together.

“Philadelphia freedom shine on me.”

- Elton John

Why are we called PATA?

Philadelphia means “City of Brotherly Love”. Let’s not read “brotherly” as gender specific; rather, it describes unconditional love for all human beings who share this Earth. Love is not merely an invisible emotion. Love is shown through caring acts. Love can be given. Love is a decision. Decide to love your neighbor and to share your love with caring acts. The ultimate caring act is to see and accept my fellow person for exactly who they are and give them exactly what they need. This should be the definition of Philadelphia. Imagine a world in which everyone committed to truly see one another, accept each other, and give each other what they need. We do. That is our reason for existing and why we are called Philadelphia Art Therapy Associates.